Tuesday 29 January 2013

Internship Experience in Haikou, Hainan

During a 3 months period from September to December 2011, I traveled to the Southern part of China known Hainan for my hotel internship. The hotel that I worked in was called Mission Hills Haikou. It was a 5-star golf resort that has countless events every year.

I had faced an important during my stay at the resort as a trainee. It was known as the Omega Cup where top players from around the world gather for a competition. As I remembered, I did sleep well for at least 10 days because I always got to work at least 3 hours early and left at around 12 in the night. By the end of the event, I was really tired and had accumulated at least 36 hours of overtime, which I claimed them all during my final week working at the resort. 

After the end of the internship, I was awarded the title of "Best Intern 2012" out 24 others who followed me. It felt good, because I knew that the hard work that I gave paid off with a job offer as in higher position in the future and also some other gifts from the management. But all that matters was that I was able to improve my Chinese and also to gain an abroad hotel experience from an Asian region of the world.

My Dear Possession

This is the car that I used to drive in Perth. This was my 2nd car after the Mazda RX8. Well, it took me quite a few months to wait for this car to arrive after ordering. Both my sister and myself drive this car as she still does not have her own car yet. However, I'm pretty sure that she will get her first car soon. 

I'll be back in Perth soon, after traveling the Asian region. Car! I'm coming home, wait just a little while more.

Monday 28 January 2013

Kiss the Rain (Sungha Jung) (Yiruma)

Two of the greatest musicians that I've heard in my lifetime. From my research, if a Korean the person would be broadcasted in the whole country allowing those with access to television to witness how much talent their country is keeping. 

Earlier I watched a talent time show from South Korea and was amazed by a autistic boy that could play any songs on the piano. He only learned in 2 years, and practices for at least 5 to 6 hours a day. If I ever the chance to watch him play, I would definitely grab it before anyone does. The boy was tested by Yiruma on the pitch of various notes and to my amazement the boy didn't miss a single pitch. It was all perfect.

Later, he was asked to play a complicated piece from a different composer and the boy managed to complete it perfectly without any errors in tempo, beats, pitch and notes. The boy's name is Min-Soon. A comment from his piano teacher, who was presence at the show mentioned that this boy takes at least 1 week to learn any song. God bless him!

Perth The Western City of Australia

Perth, Australia was one of the places that I visited with my family during my high school years during 2003. The first time I visited this place, I was amazed by the beautiful sights especially the ocean areas although the weather was pretty hot during the day. The reason we travelled here was for a golf invitation from a family friend who knows the area of Perth very well.

Currently, my family has migrated here and we've become  permanent residents here in Perth. Thankfully, I was given the chance to be exposed to a European culture earlier, before going abroad and studying in the Swiss Hotel Management School. Now only, my parents remain in Perth because my sister and myself have gone to explore the world, for photography and studies but in time we'll return back home to see our family.

Sunday 27 January 2013

Your Love Is My Love

This song is for my friends that I met throughout my term here at the Swiss Hotel Management School. I had such an enjoyable time with you and I learned so much about your culture through talking and observing you. Thank you for sharing new knowledge to me.

I wish my friends all the best in their internships and future careers. I promise to find you someday and meet up for a drink at least. Above is a music video by Whitney Houston, that I have chosen to dedicated to my friends over there. This song is about the friendship you gave me, is the friendship that I return back to you.

I love you guys! Friends forever :)

Saturday 26 January 2013

Forever Camera Passion

Above are some of the work that I've done using my DSLR's and software editing on my computer. As mentioned earlier, I am a frequent traveller, thus providing me the chance to witness this great sights. The camera is my best friend and the photos are like my art. Someday, I hope find a girl who shares the similar passion with me and join me as a traveling partner and couple of course.

I have been to many European and Asian countries. Most of the time for photography, hotelier and cuisine purposes. But on some occasions, I go there to study the history, art, culture and architecture of the particular country. 

I have other pictures of my work, but it will take time to upload then because I am always on the go and never staying more than a 2 weeks in one location. This creates a problem of searching for WiFi, but don't worry I promise to upload them on this blog soon enough. 

Currently, I am in the Asian region traveling again. Just be patient for the next blog updates of photographs and descriptions of the place. Thanks!

Beleza Promotional Video

This was one my productions for the local spa here at Leysin, Switzerland. Basically, the spa belongs to  the Swiss Hotel Management School. The video was created for a group of MBA students.

Like the previous videos that are on this blog, this is also up on Youtube. This video was made entirely out of photos of the spa area and some short clips that I recorded earlier,  as per requested by the leader of the group, my friend Varsha. The actors in the short clips are my friends, Christopher, Saravana, Thiananthan and Jason.

Journey Through Taste

My job as a hotelier/photographer not only takes me around the world enjoying the cultures and history of various countries but also to savor the delights that they may provide. Above are some photographs of the wonderful cuisines that I've tasted in various restaurants. If you ever get the chance to travel with me, I'll take you some of the best places where you can dine at a reasonable price.

The food was awesome and it varies from Asian to Western style. I have more photos that require uploading, but please bear with me because I have to do some editing on the others.