Thursday 24 January 2013

Skiing & Snowboarding on Top

One of the Swiss Hotel Management School excursion was a ski & snowboarding trip up the mountain near the campus. Yes! I did participate and I really had a good time trying out a new and dangerous sport.

All the equipments you see are rented from a ski shop near the sky lift area. My first time wearing the shoes were really difficult because I never expected it to be so heavy. Next the skis were taller and heavier than me. Imagine carrying so much weight on your body and going up a flight of stairs to reach the cable cars.

My instructor was Swiss girl, and she was beautiful. She was patient and taught everyone the basic of moving using the skis. I manage to learn quite quickly because I'm pretty used to skiing on ice instead here in Malaysia. The sad thing about that day, was that I had an accident tumbling down a cliff because I was not able to turn my skis at the appropriate time. 

From that small accident, I already caused my leg to be injured that eventually became worst because I fell down a flight of 8 steps all the way down at the cable car. Thankfully, my friends helped me back and my leg was bruised and it suffered a minor concussion. The nurse gave me some medication and I rested most of the time while walking on crutches to classes. 

Oh well! My motto was "Don't limit your challenge, Challenge you limits". If I had the chance to go back and ski, I will do it because I want to improve my skills and conquer that cliff in the future to come.

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