Wednesday 23 January 2013

WW2 Berlin Streets

Berlin, Germany is my 3rd holiday destination after Paris, France. The reason for me choosing Berlin as a tourist destination is because I'm fascinated in the WW2 history. Moreover, I would really like to see the HQ for the Nazi operations.

I didn't get to do much walking here because the injury that I suffered during skiing and snowboarding in Switzerland gave me leg cramps easily.  However, I had quite a knowledgable trip exploring the city and various WW2 memorials for example a concentration camp, Berlin Wall, a real WW2 bunker and Checkpoint Charlie. The best thing about Berlin is that every tourist attraction is easily accessible by trains and buses.

The one thing that I really enjoyed in Berlin, was my hostel. It was known as Hostel7 & Hotel. I had a 4 bed room with its own individual private washroom. Best of all, my roommates were all girls from the European regions. One of the staff from Portugal was one of the best receptionist that I've met there, as he took care of my needs like getting pizza and looking for directions to various tourist attractions. Although, his manager instead was pretty rude and very unprofessional but I have nothing to say because he's a superior. 

Sadly, Berlin is a place that has not recovered fully since the WW2 and most of the structures would be old abandon factories and wartime memorials. However, according to the locals the government is slowly rebuilding the town and maybe in the next 20 years, Berlin would be one of the greatest metropolitan cities in the world. 

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