Tuesday 29 January 2013

Internship Experience in Haikou, Hainan

During a 3 months period from September to December 2011, I traveled to the Southern part of China known Hainan for my hotel internship. The hotel that I worked in was called Mission Hills Haikou. It was a 5-star golf resort that has countless events every year.

I had faced an important during my stay at the resort as a trainee. It was known as the Omega Cup where top players from around the world gather for a competition. As I remembered, I did sleep well for at least 10 days because I always got to work at least 3 hours early and left at around 12 in the night. By the end of the event, I was really tired and had accumulated at least 36 hours of overtime, which I claimed them all during my final week working at the resort. 

After the end of the internship, I was awarded the title of "Best Intern 2012" out 24 others who followed me. It felt good, because I knew that the hard work that I gave paid off with a job offer as in higher position in the future and also some other gifts from the management. But all that matters was that I was able to improve my Chinese and also to gain an abroad hotel experience from an Asian region of the world.

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