Monday 28 January 2013

Kiss the Rain (Sungha Jung) (Yiruma)

Two of the greatest musicians that I've heard in my lifetime. From my research, if a Korean the person would be broadcasted in the whole country allowing those with access to television to witness how much talent their country is keeping. 

Earlier I watched a talent time show from South Korea and was amazed by a autistic boy that could play any songs on the piano. He only learned in 2 years, and practices for at least 5 to 6 hours a day. If I ever the chance to watch him play, I would definitely grab it before anyone does. The boy was tested by Yiruma on the pitch of various notes and to my amazement the boy didn't miss a single pitch. It was all perfect.

Later, he was asked to play a complicated piece from a different composer and the boy managed to complete it perfectly without any errors in tempo, beats, pitch and notes. The boy's name is Min-Soon. A comment from his piano teacher, who was presence at the show mentioned that this boy takes at least 1 week to learn any song. God bless him!

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