Wednesday 23 January 2013

Ancient History in Rome

The ancient city of Rome, Italy is definitely one of the greatest place to visit in the world. If you ever love history, welcome to city that explains the ancient Rome civilization. Rome was the 4th place of my Christmas holidays and the best feeling was I am able to spend my 2013 New Year celebration at the Colosseum. 

I was in Rome with one of my best friend, Andri. He was the one that led me around using the map that we received from the hotel that we stayed in. Oh well, my New Year celebration was really interesting and unforgettable. I actually got separated from my friend Andri at the Colosseum because there was just to many people pushing about. We had champagne sprayed in our faces, bottles thrown close to our legs and explosives thrown around us. It felt like a riot and we were expecting the riot police to be on crowd control. 

Since we both got separated, I believe that we both were panicking. But I told myself to look for the main road that will definitely lead to the nearest metro station. Thankfully, my instincts were correct but I walked around 45 minutes to a station called Barberini from the original station that we first got off. After taking the train back to the main station Termini, I walked back to the hotel and there I found Andri in the lobby waiting while using Facebook. 

The thing that fascinate me the most in Rome was the Vatican city. Vatican city is actually a country of its own, making this the smallest country in the world. It is the place where the pope lives. It is said that the roof of the Vatican city church is made of gold. The moment I got there, I made up my mind to enter the church with my friend. The line to enter was seriously long and we have to wait at least 30 minutes along the St.Peter's square. Well, I enjoyed standing and taking photographs of the area while looking at the saints surrounding the square. 

Finally, we reached the security checkpoint where our bags were scanned and thus we were allow to pass through the gates. We had waited patiently and were rewarded by the stunning insides of the church through statues, paintings and various Christian relics. If you ever enter the church, don't forget to take loads of photographs but bear in mind certain areas like the confession boxes are off limits to cameras. Moreover, entrance is free so its worth your time visiting a holy place. Just please respect other tourist and the staffs and keep your mobile phones to vibrate or silence as your entering the house of god. If not! Swiss Guards are watching you 24/7.

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