Wednesday 23 January 2013

Experiencing Barcelona

My Christmas holidays for the year 2012, begin during my visit to Barcelona, Spain with a group of friends. There was so much to see and do there, sadly we didn't have enough time to complete all of them. In addition, locals will definitely speak to you in English if you can only understand the basic Spanish. 

We left from Geneva airport in Switzerland in the morning and arrived at Barcelona just in time to witness the sunset. We had several complications looking for the hostel as the streets were parallel to one another. Finally, we found it out of luck and we all had a pretty good rest.

For the next 3 days, we travelled through Barcelona on tour buses and several times on foot. The sights we saw varied by each day. Some of the sights we saw were the Sagrada Familia, FCB stadium, Casa Batllo, Park Guell and etc. One of the attractions mentioned above as the Sagrada Familia was a really unique church that has not been completed until today for at least 150 years. This church was one of the masterpieces of the great Spanish architect Gaudi. It's majestic towers stand up to 170m tall making it the tallest church in the world.

This church is divided into 2 different sections, the old which is mainly covered in finer detail of bible characters and the modern which are mainly square type figures of the characters in the bible. If you look closely at the door, you would see some inscriptions of the bible verse on it and the birth of Jesus Christ painted on the floor of the church. There is also a small museum in the church that houses factors leading to the unusual church design by Gaudi. Most of the factors are natured based like different shapes of flowers. Moreover, this place has become a UNESCO heritage site. 

If you ever get the chance to visit the church, please go inside. Trust me! you will not regret it and all the money you paid would be going to the construction of the church and maybe in the next 20 years we'll have the tallest completed church in the world. 

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