Wednesday 23 January 2013

White&Red Night at Swiss Hotel Management School

The Angels & Devils Banquet was held on a Saturday 2012 in the Swiss Hotel Management School, Leysin campus. Everything was completed run by the PGD students and they were guided by Ms. Sofia. The banquet was a complete success and the guest really enjoyed the entertainment. By the end of the banquet it really sounded like a night club. Everyone including the Dean and several lecturers with some important guest were dancing on stage. Well, they might have drunk a lot of red/white wine because it was free causing them to be drunk. 

My role was a volunteer for the club, and I was taking care of the photography, videography and audio/video equipment. Well, I had to wake up early to install the mechanisms and also to help them move some furnitures. Overall, I learned how to operate a fully equipped sound system with mikes, speakers and several other complicated technology that could not be found back home in Malaysia. 

The reward that I received was a certificate and a box of Chocolates from the Entertainment Manager, Ms. Brier Yang. My contributions before the event, was that I was always there throughout their entertainment practices for example dances/singing and also during the food tasting and sometimes during the banquet meetings. You may think that I would not have enough time to study for my course because my work in banquets, but don't be surprise I actually passed my 3rd year. 

Currently, I am off the campus because I have an internship in Tokyo, Japan. Before I left, my legacy had already begun in several events like the Four Seasons Banquet and also the World of Hospitality. But when I return back for my BA, my legacy of volunteer work will never continue until I graduate fully from the university.

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