Wednesday 23 January 2013

Venice Water all Around

Venice, Italy was my last stop here for the Christmas & New Year holidays. People mentioned to me before that Venice is a really beautiful place but its smell horrible. However, I went there to prove that Venice is indeed beautiful and never smelly. There isn't any salty air or fish smell lingering throughout the whole place. The only thing that we could smell was the fresh baked bread and morning brewed coffee.

An important thing about Venice is that this place is really small and completed surrounded by water. I would wonder sometimes that if a crime was committed the offender had no place to run except by train to the other parts of Italy. Here, even the police and ambulance vehicles are high speed boats. Subsequently, as we all know that Venice is famous for its gondolas that are usually sat my couples. 

Gondolas in Venice are really expensive and the last I checked was a tour around several waterways in the city cost about 80-110 Euros. Each gondola is decorated by the company in various styles making it attractive. With that kind of price, you could see that most of the people on the gondolas are mainly families or rich couples. Unfortunately, I was not able to sit the gondola but instead I took the local ferry around the island and also the other 2 neighboring island call Murano and Burano. Both the islands were amazing for photography and they both contain their very own characteristics for example, one island only specializes in glass factories and the other a really colorful town.

If I had the chance to return to Venice, I would definitely bring my girl over and show her around one of the most romantic places on earth. Perhaps this time, I would be able to have a chance to sit on one of the gondolas while having her with me.  

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