Thursday 24 January 2013

World of Hospitality 2012

The World of Hospitality is a yearly tradition here at the Swiss Hotel Management School. Thankfully, I was able to participate in one as a volunteer. Yes, I volunteered for photography as always.

This time I was given a specific location to handle the photography and that was the at the reception where we had a photo booth set up specifically for this event. My duty was not only to take photographs but to also transfer them into USB and present it to the guest immediately. If there were no guest at the reception photo booth, and during my free time I would walk around the event hall or different parts of the university, taking random photographs and talking to rest of the photography crew on their progress for the day.

From this event, I was able to meet many important people that I will not disclose their photos on this blog. My apologies for not putting up the photos, but I can say that meeting them was a really big honor for myself. In addition, I am thankful because I got to work with a great team of people here at the photo booth together with another professional photographer, Ben.

I would be retuning to the university this September, and I hope to participate in this event again as a photographer and maybe this time as a video director. The event was really a great success despite the heavy falling blizzard that day.

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